Creative Psychology Tools for young people who don’t fit the Mold.

Jihad Bnimoussa.jpg

Hi! I’m Jihad

(No, it’s not a boy’s name. It’s a unisex name in Morocco that means to struggle for what you believe in).

I’m a

Psychologist. Resilience Educator. Writer. Speaker.

I love exploring the depths of the mind and turning that confusing mess into clarity. The inner world is new frontier.

What I’d spend 3 hours talking to you about while sipping a Masala Chai -


I’m all about handing power to the people over their own minds. If each of us had a manual to our brains, we’d be a little less fragile. We gotta build some psychological immunity (Resilience) and dare to learn about our inner complexity (Emotional Education). That’s why I feel responsible as a psychologist to create the tools to do just that.

I’m always learning, which will change what we chat about. Right now it’s probably the neurological effects of digital media, why we lump everything under depression, and how understanding emotions and space exploration seem to be equally difficult.

What I’m Currently Working On.


Mental Health First Aid.


My company, InspireCorp, works with international organizations to serve the wellbeing of vulnerable youth. Years of working with social workers, volunteers and others trying to help led to this project. These are practical quick action guides on how to respond to mental health issues. My team and I have created trainings on everything from the exact questions to ask someone in crisis, to how to suicide safety plan, to the steps to stop someone’s panic attack.

No jargon or fluff.


Foundations of Emotional Education.


You gotta start with the basics. You’d be surprised at how few skills you need to get some long term wellbeing. It’s like having a solid pan and a great knife to cook some chef level dishes. This project is two digital courses, currently under production. One is for teachers based on a curriculum we taught in 200 schools across Morocco. The second is for youth people and has a beautiful illustrated workbook that I’m dying to use.

We do it all in English and Arabic.